Blog Advertisements are Blocked by Internet Security Products

kaspersky_internet_security_block_adsI am using Kaspersky Internet Security 2010, almost for a week time i noticed there are no advertisements displayed with my blog. Got my time today evening only figure out the exact problem. My Google Adsense and some of my affiliate banners linked within my server are totally invisible. Moreover the browsers (chrome, firefox, ie8, safari and opera) restricts the images that are linked within the topic too. Then i thought of disabling the KIS and saw the blog appears with usual advertisements and banners. Spotted the actual reason for the advertisements not being displayed for a week time. Then i accessed the Banner Ad Blocker Component within Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 and added my url and few more url’s like (,, …) within white list and found the images are started to work with my favorite sites too.

It is not possible for me to add the huge list of sites that are in my bookmarks. I really wonder why this Anti-Blogger campaign started by the Internet Security Products ? , because advertisement is one of the main stream that bloggers use to generate some revenue through their blog. This blocking of ad’s will hit the bloggers ad revenue in a bit high rate. Even Google Adsense and other Ad brands, advertisements are also blacklisted by the banner ad blocker. Disabling the Banner ADBlocker is not a good choice, however kaspersky and other internet security companies must bring a solution for this problem at the earliest.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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