How to Check Who Visited Your Facebook Profile ?

It was an excellent feature of Orkut, where you can see who viewed your orkut profile page when you login to your account. Facebook from the start didnt add such feature in the name of better privacy of users. Still there is a way to find who visited your profiles recently. Facebook source code viewing will let you find who visited your facebook profile. Facebook also displays the recently visited profiles in the Chat Sidebar but it is listed in order when you see it in facebook page source code.


Recent facebook privacy changes increases the chances of finding any profile easily without much effort. Whatever social networking you use, privacy is always a big question when it comes to maintaining full anonymity. Just couple of steps you will be able to find the list of facebook profile ids viewed your profile recently.

How to Check Who Visited Your Facbeook Profile ?

Step 1: Login to with your account login details.

Step 2: Right click on empty space and select “View Page Source” in Google Chrome or Firefox.

Step 3: Turn on Find by pressing “Ctrl + F” key (in windows) “CMD + F” (in Mac OS X) and type “InitialChatFriendsList” then press Enter.


Step 4: Now you can see list of facebook profile ids and you can access each of them by typing it in your web browser as


As i mentioned earlier, facebook do gather the list of recently visited profiles in your sidebar chat list without any mention to it. May be some day facebook will announce this as a feature.

Thanks for reading and you may now share this post with your friends and followers. Have a wonderful day.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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