HOW TO: Verify your Yahoo Account Password Hacked or Not ?

 Yahoo has confirmed the big security breach happened last night, where 453,000 yahoo accounts password leaked online. You can check whether your Yahoo account is one among the huge number of accounts hacked or not by using any one of the following two websites. Pastebin data shows the statistics of the accounts hacked. It is highly recommended to check for the status of your account and proceed with password change immediately.

yahoo hacked

At Yahoo, we take the security very seriously, said by CEO of Yahoo after the huge compromise. The hacker group D33ds have claimed responsibility for attacking one of the Yahoo service using Union Based SQL injection and exposing 453,492 plain text login credentials in the Internet. Yahoo is still investigating more on this hacking incident and yet to come up with a report that shows the possible security measures they have made.

We confirm that an older file from Yahoo! Contributor Network (previously Associated Content) containing approximately 400,000 Yahoo! and other company users names and passwords was stolen yesterday, July 11. Of these, less than 5% of the Yahoo! accounts had valid passwords. We are fixing the vulnerability that led to the disclosure of this data, changing the passwords of the affected Yahoo! users and notifying the companies whose users accounts may have been compromised. We apologize to affected users. We encourage users to change their passwords on a regular basis and also familiarize themselves with our online safety tips at

Source – Techcrunch

Atleast after this huge breakout, yahoo will stop storing plain text passwords in some old servers or in old services as they did mention. All you can do is, following a good security practice to make sure you have an account that is somewhat secure in the Internet and cannot be given any assurance that there is 100% security for your data and privacy once you connected Online.

We also recommend you to try StrongPasswordGenerator to get some best secure password for your online accounts. That is ofcourse nothing to do with incidents like Entire database being copied and leaked etc., You can also build a better security measures by installing and updating your antivirus or internet security software.

Yahoo Password Hacked 2012

[youtube width=”600″ height=”344″][/youtube]

Because there are many chances that user computers getting compromised and being monitored by some malicious hacker. We do recommend Bitdefender 2013 for better security and you can use our exclusive discount coupon to take advantage of this great offer.

Thanks for reading and you may now share this post with your friends and followers across social networks to help them find whether their yahoo account has been compromised or not and to take necessary steps as well.


About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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