Android App Development Resources that we have listed here can help you to learn it faster and save a lot of time. Many App developers that you see today have not went to any Universities or took special courses to learn Android development. They started it with basic programming courses and spent some time on learning the additional programming lessons that is necessary for Android App Development. Java Programming language is the base and must learn language to start with App development.
Image: Wired
Android App Development fundamentals given in the is pretty useful to understand all the fundamentals that is necessary to develop your first android app. There are some web based services that helps you to create android app for free without any programming knowledge and those services may be helpful for website owners and bloggers.
Table of Contents
Resources to Learn Android App Development
Let me list the few resources that i have archived after finding it as the best android resources to develop an app. I am sure this will be helpful for you to start android app development in a short time. Videos are always the best choice for learning something better and understand them faster. That is why i have added some useful Android App Development Youtube Channels here to make the learning go fun and easy. Subscribe to these channels and easily access the videos from your Mobile, Tablets, Desktop or Laptop computers. Youtube EDU Channel section helps you to find whatever tutorials you need and consider bookmarking that page or you may set it as your browser homepage.
Android Application Development Tutorials
[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]
Its a brilliant video series collection from “The New Boston” and it is one of my favorite android app dev youtube channel. This video collection contains 200 videos that are well organized to access and watch without missing any tutorials. The new boston has other video tutorials collection in its official youtube channel which you can access them here. If you find the videos useful and learned something, then you may consider donating to appreciate their service from their official website. The library contains the following tutorials and more.
- Java (Beginner) Programming Tutorials
- Java (Intermedia) Programming Tutorials
- Javascript Tutorials
- Java Game Development Tutorials
- Objective C Programming Tutorials (for iPhone App Development)
- iPhone App Development Tutorials
- HTML5 Tutorials
- Adobe After Effects Tutorials
- Computer Networking Tutorials and much much more.
If you totally want to start from scratch, then java tutorials can help you to start with, and yes the channel also contains good collection of iPhone App Development tutorials as well. Consider trying them too, and start making more revenue ๐
Android Bootcamp Series 2012
[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]
Marakana TechTV Youtube channel has some good collection of android app development tutorials in their youtube channel. Its a decent numbers with well explaining tutorial videos to help you understand the app development process in pretty much detail. From hell world to finishing the app to launch it in Google Play, this is another interesting channel i have come across.
Vogella Android App Tutorials
Vogella founded by Lars Vogel has some good collection of android app development tutorials in the website. Easy navigation to hundreds of pages that contains useful resources to learn about the steps involved in app development. Categories and various sub categories to make the navigation better and access the contents very quick even you left in the middle when you learn.
MIT Android App Development Tutorials
MIT App Inventor provides complete android app development tutorials and resources to help you become an android developer. If you are an expert then you may consider teaching others by accessing “Teach” section which meant for “Educators“. If you are going to learn about android app development then goahead with “Explore” to access android app development tutorials and resources. Once learned, you can start bringing your creative thoughts as apps by accessing “Invent” section”.
TutsPlus Android Tutorials
Tutsplus, the famous tutorial blog has some interesting collection for android dev tutorials as well. I am a big fan of Tutsplus network of blogs and i am sure the android tutorial collection will be totally great as i have used their other software related tutorials. The author start the course with “Reasons to learn native android development” that explains the opportunities that you can welcome by learning to develop an app.
You can access these tutorials, videos and information on your Laptop, Desktop, Tablets and Smartphones. If you are looking for printed books, then have a look at the amazon book shelves to get some best recommendation for android app development books and get yourself a copy today.
Sometime, we need an inspiration or motivation to start learning and finish the task successfully. Chris Pirillo from Lockergnome has something to tell you about Android App Development and what you can do about it ๐ Watch this video and i think this may help you somewhat to give a little kick with your learning process.
[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]
Dont delay anymore and start today to publish your beautiful android app on Google Play.
Also, if you know some more websites that you like to recommend, do add it in the comment box below. Thanks for reading and watching and i am sure you have enjoyed this article. If you think this can help some of your friends or followers in Facebook, Twitter and Google+ then what are you waiting for ? goahead and share it ๐ Have a wonderful productive day !
Why haven’t you mentioned XDA Forums? It’s a goldmine.
There are tons of websites that has pretty good resources for android app development, that is why added in the last paragraph to let the users add them in comments ๐
thanks for adding xda forums.
Very useful compilation Robin. There are so many Android development blogs online, itโs hard to know whatโs the best way to get started. And what most of the people don’t understand is that itโs essential to have good exposure to Java before you start learning development for Android. That way, everything from these Android tutorials
will make sense to them.