HOW TO: Root your Android Phone ?

We recently wrote about how to root any android phone without pc based on latest kernel exploit that works on Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One, Nexus 5, AT&T and Verizon Carrier locked phones as well.Rooting an android smartphone unlocks the potential to do more with it. Here we have simple steps to general rooting of an android phone. Learn how to root your android phone with this step by step guide simple to understand. Android phones by default has a user privilege which has certain limitations in accessing system directories. As you can see in Linux operating systems, security is the primary concern and by default users will not have root privilege as there is a possibility of security issue becomes ease. You have to login as a root user in order to access system directories and files in Android mobile.

Recently i wrote about “How to use android mobile as a webcam ?” which you may also like to read. Lets see how to root your android phone to get root privilege and do more things with your android smartphone.

Also Read, mSpy Review – Best Mobile Monitoring and Spy Software for Android and iPhone.

root your android phone

How to Root your Android Phone

Step 1: Z4root is an .apk file which is used in rooting your android phone. You can download Z4root here and keep the downloaded .apk file in your desktop.

Step 2: Connect your phone with the computer and enable use storage to copy the downloaded file into your mobile.

Step 3: Make sure you done these things before rooting your mobile phone.

i. Enable USB Debugging in your mobile phone (Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging)

ii. You must have SD card in your device.

iii. Also you must install Z4Root in your device not in SD card.

Step 4: Now copy the app from your desktop to mobile.

Step 5: Check for the app using file manager in your mobile (Astr0 file manager is preferable)

Step 6: After you locate the file tap on the app to start the rooting process

Step 7: Once the rooting process is finished your phone reboots with root privilege.

Note: This is an Universal procedure to Root your android mobile and if you like to know rooting procedure for other than Google Nexus S, each android mobile has little change in the above steps to do successful rooting. Feel free to share your comments and doubts about this article.

Thanks for reading and you may share this article with your friends and followers across social networking websites. Have a wonderful productive day.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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  1.  sure arvind i will come up with my next article in rooting htc kind of phones.. Thanks for your comment 🙂

  2.  yeah.. Nexus S  can be easily rooted by  this procedure.. Thanks for your comment and keep on sharing with us 🙂

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