Its Really Worth Spending 30 Mins To Comment In Blogs Across The Web

Yes, I was very much worried about the “Zero” Comment in my blogs. Even though i write some good trending titles i get a very very few comments from the users who are so conscious about that topic or sometimes they was in such situation. I hate bloggers totally at that time.. see how jealous they are, they wont comment unless you comment their blog 😉 but later i realized that is also important for driving a good backlinks and traffic to my blog. If you are new to blogging and very much eager to spread the word about your blog, facebook profile or twitter account, then do comment in other blogs.

Because it will highly help you to get more friends in your social networking or bookmarking accounts. Thats why you see bloggers or website creators with more than 1000 people in friends list.

The very first traffic that the blogger will get is from their fellow bloggers and networks. Trust me !

It is impossible to drive great traffic without friends in your social networking communities today. You may give a try by start writing some topics that can attract the crowd and not advertising in any paid advertiser campaigns. You will get some traffic after a long time… So to get some instant, quality, and long term traffic you must enter into the social networks. Thats the best Free way. I will never say thats the only way ! 😉

I totally forgot what i have to say.. actually i started spending 10 mins or some random times to comment “after reading” (because just commenting hey its kewl, thanks bro ! wont be good) the article in various blogs i been invited in facebook pages and links via social bookmarking sites as well like Digg, Stumbleupon etc., Never ever comment in the articles without reading it.. thats really a bad attitude which may not be considered as a comment even by the bloggers. If you create a comment that improves the discussion (positively 😉 ) then you will get more bloggers to visit and comment on your articles as well.

1. If you dont have a Facebook or Twitter account then create an account first.

2. Your blogging must go side by side with spreading the link and title of your article to the world. Ofcourse, apart from these tools you may also prefer emailing the article title with summary to groups and your friends to get the traffic around you.

3. Never comment in any web blogs without reading the article.

When we automate this by spending atleast 15 to 30 minutes a day can pull more traffic and indirect supporting of your blog by the bloggers community. Many new bloggers are getting started every day. In such case spending more than 30 mins would be fine too.

So i strongly decided to comment on blogs randomly with atleast 30 minutes a day from tonight. Its 07:15 PM [IST] here. And let me link back this article after few weeks to show the positive growth in my Traffic, Earnings, and Comments.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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