Firefox 9 Download Beta 6, Firefox 10 Alpha and Firefox for Android Tablets

Firefox 9 Beta 6 is here with essential and impressive changes to lead the web browser race. The recent browser test results by various sources confirms that Google Chrome is leading the browser race and Firefox need more changes to climb the ladder upwards. Firefox 9.0 beta 6 developed exactly by keeping many essential and base update requirements in mind. Lets have a look at the changes that comes with Firefox 9 Beta 6.

Firefox 9 Beta 6

  • Added Type Inference, significantly improving JavaScript performance
  • Improved theme integration for Mac OS X Lion
  • Added two finger swipe navigation for Mac OS X Lion
  • Added support for querying Do Not Track status via JavaScript
  • Added support for font-stretch
  • Improved support for text-overflow
  • Improved standards support for HTML5, MathML, and CSS
  • Fixed several stability issues

As a mac user, i would rate Firefox in Mac OS X as 3.5 for 5. I use it more than 10 hours in a day and firefox delivers the best but faced some problems at time, like Crash, Firefox Quit wont work and similar issues. Have downloaded firefox 9 beta 6 from the official website of firefox and the past 24 hours usage is pretty great.

Download Firefox 9 Beta 6

You may download the firefox beta version to experience how far the speed, performance and other supports are extended and improved. You will like it without any doubt.

Firefox 10 Alpha Download

If you are so eager to look more into the future of firefox, then have a look at the firefox aurora where the project that puts two step advanced development of the great web browser.

firefox aurora

People who like to help firefox development by experimenting the browser more and reporting bugs to the development team can try alpha and beta very much. If you look for stable version of the browser, then download it directly from (official website) for your Mac, Linux and PC.

Firefox for Android Tablets

Its now officially here, firefox for Android Tablets to enjoy the same high speed, performance rich browsing experience on your Android Tablet as well. The download is available through Android Market, and you may visit the market and search for “firefox” to download it directly to your tablet. Else visit firefox website and select firefox for android to download.

firefox android tablet

Download Firefox (Beta) for Android

Whats New in Firefox for Android Tablets ?

[youtube width=”600″ height=”344″][/youtube]

There are some important updates and features added and here are they,

  1. New tablet UI and features
  2. Faster start-up time
  3. Camera input support: developers can integrate camera functionality directly in Web sites
  4. HTML5 form validation

With faster start up time and some more developer based features sounds great, where many have reported that the browser got crashed more than 3 times in a day. Ofcourse, Firefox for Android Tablet is currently in Beta.

Thanks for reading and please do share this post to let your friends in social media sites also try it out.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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