Jony Ive by Leander Kahney, Pre-Order Now

Jony Ive – The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products Ebook, iBooks and Printed Edition going to be available soon and you can pre-order your copy now. Jony Ive is an English Designer and Senior Vice President of Design at Apple Inc, who is like an heart of Apple and the main reason for its successful business. Author Leander Kahney gives us an intimate look at how the legendary designer made Apple iconic in this book “Jony Ive“.


Here is the official trailer of Jony Ive Book and the Pre-Order is open now for iBooks, Kindle, Barnes and Noble – Nook and Printed edition as well.

“Different and new is relatively easy. Doing something that’s genuinely better is very hard.” – Jony Ive

He is one icon who gave the confidence and belief that Apple could reverse the company’s long decline. Steve Jobs found this British designer when he was surrounded by hundreds of sketches and prototypes. iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone are pretty successful products today and Jony Ive takes all the credits by his amazing designs and giving new life to Apple.

Jony Ive by Leander Kahney

We will cover more details about the book once its available. But right now we just want to suggest you the available sources for you to Preorder this in Digital and Printed version.

Barnes and Noble Nook Book & Hard Cover – Buy Now

Amazon Kindle & Hard Cover – Buy Now

Amazon Kindle Edition – Buy Now

iBooks Edition – Buy Now

Flipkart EBooks (India) – Buy Now

About Leander Kahney

Leander Kahney is the best selling author of Inside Steve’s Brain the book which offers a detailed portrait of a creative genius Steve Jobs. The author shows us how Jony Ive went from an English art school student with Dyslexia to the man whose immense insights have altered the pattern of our lives. Jony Ive’s early interest in industrial design, fostered by his designer father, through his education at Newcastle Polytechnic and meteoric rise at Apple well explained in this book. His principles, practices that he developed to become the designer of his generation also covered in this book.

Based on interviews with Jony Ive’s former colleagues and Kahney’s own familiarity with the world of Apple. Thanks for reading and you may now share this post with your friends and followers across facebook, twitter and google+ to let them preorder jony ive book as well. Have a wonderful productive day !

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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