One of the famous TLD that suites corporates, commerce and organizations very much is .co tld. All the domain registrars were pre booking the domain names for their users till yesterday. After a week time its now publicly made available in first come first serve basis. Many software giants and website owners have pre registered their domain names.
The price of .co is currently 28$ with many registrars and expected to be reduced in upcoming months. For customer safety and security reasons it is advisable to book .co domain names if you are in a business site in web. Especially banking sites, need much care on this to avoid any phishing related attacks.
Hi… I’ve a silly doubt rite now, .co extension is only for corporates?? No individual user can hire it… can act better to identify an individual than .co domain which suites well for organization, commerce department sites and corporates.
So people can opt for .me extension which costs much less than .co domain price.
For customer safety and security reasons it is advisable to book .co domain names if you are in a business site in web. Especially banking sites, need much care on this to avoid any phishing related attacks. nice article
co domain registration? is the payment is good enough?