Track 8 Reinvents your Music Experience in iPad

Have you bored of the music player which comes with your iPad ? It’s time to try a new one which is completely different from your old music players. It is the application called Track 8 which is recently launched in the app store. This application is available only for iPad. What’s special in this application ? What makes me to use Track 8 instead of the Music app from Apple ? Let us have a look over the features of Track 8 below.


The only thing which makes Track 8 unique is its interface. It is called Windows Metro designed by Microsoft. It is a unique type of interface used in Windows phones and Windows 8. Even it is Microsoft’s design it looks great in Apple’s iPad. The iPad’s touch is a perfect match for Track 8’s metro design.

What’s New in Track 8

You can see the Track 8 home screen in the screenshot below. You have six options at the top of the screen. The first option home which brings back you to the home screen wherever you are. Then second and third one are artists and albums which helps to view your songs as albums and artists who sung them. If you have created a playlist for your songs you can see them in the option “Playlists“.

Then you have settings and search options in the right corner of the screen which helps you to manage and search your Track 8 songs. Also  you have the volume slider at the bottom of the screen. In windows phone the slider is too hard to use because of the poor touch sensitivity but in iPad it is so smooth and easy to adjust the volume.


At the right bottom corner of  the screen you have three buttons, forward and backward button and Play/Pause button in the middle. Wherever you navigate the volume button, Play/Pause, Backward and Forward buttons will be there at the bottom of the screen. While playing the song it will display the artist’s picture from in the background of the music player.


The interface is easily customizable and it has a different type of metro styles which gives an incredible music and visual experience in your iPad. You can change your view according to artists, album and playlists. One more highlight of Track 8 is you can search songs at a lightning speed. The speed of the entire application is incredible. Download Track 8 and enjoy the amazing music experience in your iPad.

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About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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