Ebay gives you free recharge worth of Rs 100 till 12th of may 2011. All you have do is, purchase an item above Rs 99 and use the ebay coupon code “RECHARGE02” when it prompts of “Ebay Gift Card” in the order confirmation page. Once you made the payment you will receive the Paisapay ID to you email address registered with ebay.
Copy and Paste that Paispay id here (http://pages.ebay.in/MobileRecharge/) with your mobile number and service provider as well. In 48 hours you will get Rs 100 free recharge to your mobile number. There are ofcourse a FAQ page setup by Ebay to answer some questions you may like to ask.
Ebay Free Mobile Recharge FAQ also dont forget to read the Terms & Conditions as well.
Thanks for share 🙂