What Makes Tumblr Such a Successful Blogging Site ?

Tumblr is known both as a social network and also a blogging site and has millions of active users all over the world. But really, what makes Tumblr so successful ? One of the main reasons that Tumblr.com has had such a high success rate is due to the age group the site seems to attract, most of the active users on the site are teens. I feel this is the main reason that the site has experienced so much success.


The Tumblr blogging platform makes it quick and easy to blog any type of post such as text, photo, video quotes and so on. Not only this but it is very simple and easy to format a blog on Tumblr with many sites providing free code for themes.

Loftier Info About Tumblr

Another area of the site has made Tumblr successful is the fact that it is not just a blogging website but also a social network. On Tumblr you gain followers, these are other people with Tumblr accounts who like your blog and then follow you so you appear on their Dashboard. This is a style of timeline similar to other social networking sites that constantly updates. In my opinion it is the gain of followers that drives Tumblr users to keep their accounts active.

Tumblr Is User Friendly

Everything about Tumblr makes it more user interactive and this is the reason the site has so many active users. However, there is one major downside to blogging on Tumblr rather than other sites. Every user is at the .tumblr domain and as a result this makes finding a suitable username fairly difficult as many have already been taken by other users. This should be expected however as the site is completely free to use. Other domains can be bought and used in correspondence with Tumblr however it starts to defeat the object of having a Tumblr account in the first place. Learn how to use custom domain on tumblr blog.

Tumblr is a Social Network?

It is true that Tumblr is a very successful blogging sites and the reasons we have explored above highlight the reasons why. Tumblr is a social network and in the end, although you have your own blog we think it can only be used as a personal and social blogging site. My reasons for this are the domain name, for any company or online service this looks unprofessional.  Secondly, even though anybody with your URL and Internet access can view your blog as you wish, there is still the fact that the only way they can receive updates is becoming a member themselves and following you. We do not think this is as effective as a sign up for a newsletter would be.


In conclusion, we can say that the age group and amount of personal users on the Tumblr site reflect that really it is a personal blogging platform. This doesn’t make Tumblr bad however it does make it different to other sites where blogging is used in order promote businesses and keep clients up to date.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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