Bitdefender Box Review: One Box to Protect All Devices in Home Network

Update: We have updated this page with latest Bitdefender Discount Coupon Codes 2020 for Antivirus Plus, Internet Security and Total Security 2017 software’s.

Bitdefender Box is a complete hardware security solution for your Home Network to protect all your Devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Windows PC, Mac Computers and Android Smartphones, Tablets from all types of Hackers, Internet Threats and Attacks.

Setup Bitdefender Box in few easy steps and let it Guard your entire Network from Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Spywares and any type of Malwares. As we know, it is not just the Windows computers that are vulnerable to hackers. Even home appliances like Refrigerators, Television sets, Gaming Consoles and Thermostats are also vulnerable to hackers when they are connected online.

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bitdefender box review

It is not possible to install a separate antivirus software or firewall mechanism to each devices. Bitdefender Box is an Apple TV size of a square box that has Bitdefender software / firmware installed and has just one job to do, which is protecting all your devices against online attacks and offline attacks effectively.

What is Bitdefender Box?

Bitdefender Box sits between your Internet Router and any Device you connect to your Home Network. It automatically detects all the connected devices in your network and provides top class security against malwares and viruses 24/7. Smart TVs are vulnerable for various exploits and security problems. When you have Bitdefender Box installed in your Home Network, you don’t have to worry about it at all. It protects your Smart TV and any Home appliances, Wi Fi connected devices from malwares silently.

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bitdefender box review iphone

Easily configure, manage and access security statistics right from your iPhone, iPad or Android Smartphone with Bitdefender Box App. Download Bitdefender Box App for your smartphone from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store and setup is very easy too.

Prevention is better than cure, and when it comes to Security, Bitdefender claims to have it in their DNA and they are pretty successful in protecting millions of Windows PCs with their Antivirus, Internet Security softwares across the globe till date.

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Bitdefender Box – Hands On Review

Credit: Digital Trends

How Effective is Bitdefender Box for Home Networks?

Well, Bitdefender Box brings the taste of Hardware Security to your Home Network. Your Thermostat, Smart TV, Refrigerators and now a days every home appliances and devices comes with Android or other operating systems and connects to Internet for you to remotely access and manage them. It is not possible to install antivirus on your Refrigerator or install antivirus software on your Smart TV. They are not available and antivirus manufacturers don’t make such dedicated antivirus softwares for home appliances.

Whatever connected to Internet that has some Operating System running can be hacked and the recent Smart TVs being vulnerable to Hacks is one big evidence, if you don’t aware about such incidents.

Most of us simply buy a basic Internet Router and setup Network connection in our home, and we ensure there is a Wireless facility available. There is zero security measures taken if you did the same in your home. Bitdefender Box routes all the Internet packets to your devices by filtering them and blocking any spyware, virus or malware attempts to your devices. For Mac, iPhone and iPad’s, you may not have to worry about viruses, but it protects you from Phishing attacks, Browser malwares and any network level of attacks.

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Bitdefender Box Private Line

This is a cool new feature added to Bitdefender Box that allows you to use it like a VPN when you are not at home. You will stay protected when you go online from your smartphone by using Private Line mode on your mobile devices. Bitdefender states that due to manufacturer restrictions, some feature are available online for certain operating systems.

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Bitdefender Box Setup / Configure Modes

There are three different types of modes are available in Bitdefender Box that lets you setup or configure it in your Home Network. Lets explore them here,


Automatic mode – Connect the Box to your WiFi router’s LAN Port and use the app to configure Bitdefender Box. Once you launched the app on your smartphone it automatically detects the Bitdefender Box connected in your network. Easily setup in less than 2 minutes.

Manual mode – If your WiFi Router is not supporting the automatic mode of Bitdefender Box setup, then you can follow this manual mode process. Connect your Box to Router’s LAN port and open the App on your smartphone. When you follow manual mode, the setup process will ask you to open the Router’s Admin page or Dashboard which you normally access by typing or on a Web Browser. There you have to disable DHCP mode on your Internet Router and complete the setup.

In case of issues, you can always contact Bitdefender Tech support 24/7 and they are really good at assisting and solving the problems.

Bridge mode – Not one configuration works for all routers. Take Apple Airport Extreme for example, and you need to setup bitdefender box using Bridge mode. This configuration method also suits for Airport Express and Time Capsule as well. Connect Ethernet cable / Internet line to the WAN port of the Bitdefender Box. Complete the setup using App on your smartphone.

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Bitdefender Box is an essential hardware security for any smart homes, that has various smart devices connected to Internet. The Box analyzes every single packets that goes in and out of your home network both wired and wirelessly. It is good to have a security measure to protect home appliances and Smart TVs that can be easily targeted by hackers now a days. The only con i find with Bitdefender Box is its pricing. It is not cheap, and the device costs $199 with One full year service included. If you need one more year of service then it will be charged another $99. Bitdefender Box seems pretty essential security device for Home Networks and if you are ok with the Price Tag, go for it and it is definitely useful it protecting your Home Network from Hackers, Malwares and Online Threats.

Bitdefender promises for 30 Days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product. 3 Days Free Shipping and right now, Bitdefender Box is limited to United States only.

Buy Bitdefender Box

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About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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