Breaking News: New Stumbleupon Design and New Stumblebar
I thought of writing an article about URL shortening services and some great websites that offer you to supress the lengthy url’s. Suddenly this great update reached me today and i made to write with this first. The aim of URL shortening is to eliminate the lengthy url’s being shared in the chat, email or via social networking sites. Usually bloggers use such URL shortening services to avoid the lengthy links in the blog or while referring their friends to their blog. Ofcourse, people always happy to visit url’s if it’s shorter and have some unique name relevant to the link after the actual domain name. I have said enough about, one of the famous social bookmarking website few days back in an article. The SU have launched a new service very recently, that helps the internet users to shorten their lengthy web addresses to make it much easier in sharing with their friends and relatives.
Stumbleupon already have 8 million users and still counting for its bookmarking service. This new announcement really makes bloggers like me happier to say good bye to Tinyurl sort of services and to begin with . Just a 2 letter domain name thats easy to remember.
The tricky part in this is, you must get an invite code to register with this service. And limited number of invitations provided by stumbleupon, to its Twitter followers in its profile (Click the link). So follow SU in twitter to get the invite code to proceed with the registration process.
Another main thing is the Traffic driving through for website and blog owners. If you use your posts to be compressed then SU will get updated with the latest url’s and let the 8 million users know about it through its homepage. sounds very interesting isnt it ?. So grab your invitation code and start stumbpress your blog url’s.
You can post the title + shortened url directly to twitter or facebook profile from member area. So your twitter and facebook friends will let to know about your recent updates with your blog. The total number of visits made to the supressed url, number of stumbles made to a specific url and finally the followers inside shown in the right side of the member area.
Recent code: suprbeta
The above code contains 250 invites, if it goes invalid then check with the stumbleupon twitter profile page to collect a new one.
There is a good news waiting for wordpress users. Once registered with the then you can download a plugin to integrate with your domain name.
Once installed the plugin then you will be able to create shortened url’s with your own domain name. This will really an added advantage for your regular blog visitors.
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Nice update from stumble
here after bloggers gonna enjoy with traffic 🙂
so an opponent for Tinyurl .. Thankgod we got an alternative for that clumsy site
Few years back i was wondering about tinyurl service 🙂 now we have so many alternatives for each services like audio, video, chats etc.,
We bloggers and site publishers need something extra then a simple url crushing site .. thats the reason this kinda services started to grew up within few months.
stumble upon is stupid because
1.bans accounts for stumbling their own sites/blogs
2.does funny things thinking it is innovation
Questions to all of you loving SU :
How could stupid SU drive traffic when it can't increase or hold its own traffic ?
Would you trust a new service from a popular social bookmarking site ?
If yes
read why SU started this service :
Their traffic has been falling a great deal so they needed something new to boost their traffic !
They succeeded in driving lot of traffic and followers in twitter by this crazy url shortening service ! what about the stumblers ?
So did any of stumblers get traffic from SU which satisfied their growth ??????????????
google has already one. how much stumble upon is different.