Make More Money With Your Free Image Hosting Website

Few minutes back i wrote an article How to install scripts using Cpanel ? on purpose. You may refer the previous article if you have no idea about cpanel or installing a script in your web server. Once you get the idea about scripts and uploading, installing in the server you can continue reading further. Actually blogging is one of the best way for making money online. Another legal way is running an image hosting website like,, It will help you in generating some quick revenue than blogging. But for both you must advertise it efficiently.

Select a domain name that is less than or at maximum in 5 letters. You may select a lengthy name if you feel it is sensible for image hosting πŸ™‚ .

Select an image hosting script or hire a freelancer to code your image hosting script. If you are planning to invest some money on the script then i would recommend to go for paid script or code it using a freelancer. Because security is an important one that we must never give excuse with.

There are so many Free scripts available in internet. You cannot testride or use all of them with your website. Many can be hacked easily by script kiddies with some instant exploits and vulnerabilities.

What are the scripts you will recommend for me to start with my image hosting site ?

I have few Image Hosting scripts in mind which i tested in my server. Also i am using one in my Pix89 Free Image Hosting website. Mihalism is a Free Multi Image Uploading Script that you can trust to use with the server. It has a great administration controls with banning, anti spam bot configured, and few other. Moreover this script is still in development so that vulnerabilities can be patched if found in future.

Next Chevereto, tough for me to pronounce but this appears an another cool image hosting script with Tinyurl integration. So the images uploaded can be shrinked in its URL for easy sharing with your friends or via social networking websites.

YourPicShare, ArwScripts are similar scripts but i am not ready to recommend them. Better google more about it for paid scripts to host images if you prefer to go for a paid one.

Alright, i downloaded the script from the site your recommended, whats next ?

So once downloaded the zip or tar.gz or rar file from the developer website, do the procedure explained in “How to install scripts using Cpanel ?to install the script and see it in action. You can always customize with your PHP, Jscript knowledge to add more features or to remove certain feature from the system.

Now place the advertisements in the way you do with your blog. You can take a look at the sample ad placing options i did with . I was very much conscious to not distrub my visitors or uploaders. That is the reason i placed few ads and no pop (annoying) ads. Ofcourse its totally your choice to decide which ads can be placed when you start your own free image hosting site.

Should i need to Host my site in Unlimited Hosting ?

Ofcourse you should. Because image hosting sites are the one that consumes more bandwidth and diskspace. You may set an option to upload file size at maximum of 2 MB but still it will eat up the disk space. I would recommend Hostgator, Hostmonster, Dreamhost and HostRocket for hosting your image hosting website.

Which Ad Network i can go for ?

Unless you allow porn images to be hosted with your website you are 100% allowed to go for any advertisement networks that give enough CPM or CPA rates. Because there are tons of websites which came like an usual image hosting site and totally transformed to porn image hosting services due to heavy traffic reasons. But i never ever suggest you such options as it totally ruins the reputation and disturbs your earning policy as well. Because Google, Yahoo and many other ad networks wont support such porn image hosting services. So think and act smart.

Success Stories of Image Hosting websites: (If you too run similar site and get good traffic and money then please leave the site url in a comment below, we will list them up here.)

Thats it .. All the best for your earning through your new image hosting website. Do advertise about your new service in your blog, social bookmarking and networking sites. If you have any doubt in uploading, extracting or in launching your site then do ask us in comments. Have Fun !

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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  1. ya, i agree with you. We the webmasters can make more money through image hosting websites, but the only problem is that those sites are bit slow and the images we upload on their servers also opens slow thus causing slow to the sites where we are sharing those images.

  2. Thanks for your comment Brother. Nice place to advertise about your site and new api service πŸ™‚

    Wishing you all the very best !

    – Robin

  3. Yes @Rajesh, the only investment that we must care about is the SERVER bill. Hostgator, Dreamhost, Hostmonster are the best place to host such image hosting websites.

    You can always take whoislookup ( to see their name servers and with whom they actually hosted their website. So taking such package can solve the problem better.

    I hope the answer helps πŸ™‚

    – Robin

  4. Very cool Robin. I’ve never thought of this idea before. I could code up a custom image script pretty quickly and join the club of image hosts πŸ™‚ The hardest thing will be to find a short domain.

    1. Thats very true aaron. Getting the right domain name that pulls the plug of success is bit difficult. Try getting opinions with your friends. Cheers.

      – Robin

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