DailyTUT Wallpapers


What is Mac Hackstore ?

We all know about App Store, a service from Apple to download the necessary applications from Apple and other third party developers. We have a separate App Store for iOS devices and a separate one for Mac OS X. Also there is an unofficial app…

facebook integration mountain lion

HOW TO: Integrate Facebook with Mountain Lion OS X ?

Simple method to install and integrate facebook immediately to your Mountain Lion OS X is here. You dont have to wait till this fall to get Facebook Integration on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. You can do it right away with this package. Apple has…

Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Download Only via App Store

Apple gives a big surprise to Mac users across the world, by announcing their next major upgrade to their Mac OS X named Mountain Lion. Download of Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 will only be available through Mac App Store once its launched. This…