HOW TO: Request Reissue of Lost Google Adsense Cheque ?

You really dont have to Panic, if you lost your Google Adsense Cheque. Filling out this Google Adsense Cheque Reissue Form can help you to get the same amount counted in your next month Google Adsense cheque. When i was searching for the first time in a hurry to locate my Payment number to fill out this form, it takes me nearly 20 mins to find it.

google adsense chequeThere is no proper link that helped me in locating the payment number when i tried google search. Thats because i was kind of panic unnecessarily without checking out my Payment History page in Google Adsense portal.

These steps are given as per new google adsense interface. Alright, Let me start with the step by step process to get your Google adsense check reissue with next month earnings.

Step 1: Login to your Google Adsense account and navigate to “Payments” page by clicking on “Details” near Finalized Earnings.

Step 2: Click on “view details in payment history” under “Last Issued Payment” column.

Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the page once the page refreshed with your last issues payment data. You will find a similar box with the following details in it.

How to Find Payment Number in Google Adsense ?

google adsense chequeYou will find Google Adsense “Payment Type“, “Payment Date“, “Payment Number“, “Tracking Number” and Total amount of the cheque in your respective currency format.

Step 4: Now visit Google Adsense Cheque Reissue Form and fill out the details. That is all, now wait for next 15 days to let the Adsense Team to complete the reissue process of your lost cheque payment.


Thanks for your request. We’ve started the reissue process for your
payment and placed a stop payment on your check number 05735****. If you
happen to receive the original check, please do not deposit it, as your
bank may charge fees for depositing a stopped check.

Within about 15 days, your earnings will be credited back into your
account and you’ll see a ‘Check stopped – earnings credited back’ line
appear on your Payment History page. If this line appears before the 15th
of the month, your earnings will be included in that month’s payment
cycle. If it appears after the 15th, your earnings will be included in
next month’s payment cycle.

If you’d like to update your form of payment to receive your payment by
another means, please do so between the 1st and 15th of the month. If you
update your form of payment after the 15th of the month, we can’t
guarantee you’ll receive your payment in the manner you’ve chosen.

For additional questions or to contact us, please visit the AdSense Help
Center: .


The Google AdSense Team

 You will get a confirmation email associated with Google Adsense account immediately after submitting that form. The email appears like the above sample one.

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About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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