It was a rumor during the month of December 2014 and now the announcement officially came out and WhatsApp Web Chat Messenger is now available for public use with limits. You can now use WhatsApp on Linux, Windows PC, Mac OS X with one of the supported mobile device. It is yet to be more user friendly like Telegram Web Messenger, but for a start, its a good job by WhatsApp Team. WhatsApp Messaging App is popular mainly because of its wide platform compatibility and has plenty of users who are not ready to move to other messaging apps anytime soon.
WhatsApp Web Chat Client currently not available for iPhone users due to Apple platform limitations as the company mentioned it in a blog post. Right now, WhatsApp Web version is available for Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Nokia S60 and Blackberry 10 users with latest version of WhatsApp installed.
Just check with your App Store to download the latest version to enable this new feature and start using whatsapp from your computer.
How to Connect and Use WhatsApp Web?
It involved just three steps and you can start chatting with your whatsapp friends on your computer in a minute.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Open QR Code scanner on your Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone and Scan the QR Code you see on the
Step 3: Start chatting with your friends in WhatsApp from your computer comfortably.
WhatsApp Web uses QR Code to authenticate and initiate a session between your Smartphone and Computer. Once you scanned and paired the smartphone whatsapp application to whatsapp web chat client, you need to stay online on your mobile to use the WhatsApp Web Chat service on your computer. Disconnecting the internet on your mobile phone will also logout the session on your computer. WhatsApp explains that this new messenger service will mirror your conversation to web and leave the copy of all your messages on your phone as well.
Telegram, the best whatsapp messenger alternative launched their web chat client version sometime ago and works very well with recent updates. There were rumors that whatsapp tried to hire one of the telegram app developer to create their web based chat client application. Anyhow, after a long time whatsapp introduced a beta version of WhatsApp Web Chat Client and we can expect in coming days it will cut the wires and make it fully functional via web, support for iPhone and more.
Once the web version becomes fully functional, users will be able to access their whatsapp account using their iPad, Android Tablet and from Computers anytime, anywhere.
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