iPod Touch 4G Giveaway at DailyTUT

Update: Submission Closed. Thanks to all Participants. Winner will be selected on 25th, June 2011. Video will be updated on the same day.

For Privacy Reasons we will not reveal the participants list.

After iTunes Giftcard giveaway, here we are with iPod Touch 4G – 8GB. There are only two steps to participate in the giveaway. You may read the best features of iPod Touch 4G here. Also check out the official page of iPod Touch 4G at apple website.

ipodtouch giveaway

Best Features of iPod Touch 4G

Facetime – has Front facing camera (you may use skype video calling as well)

Retina Display – like iPhone 4, you can enjoy 960 x 640 resolution remarkable display.

HD Video Recording – from HD to OMG Video Recording and Editing.

Better Gaming – like never before, as it has enhanced processor.

Battery Backup – 40 Hours of non stop music playback and watch movies for 7 hours continuously. This new iPod Touch 4th generation is really a powerful device that makes you smart in many ways.

WiFi Enabled – Surf the net using Safari web browser with multiple fingers on the web pages.

Step 1:

Fill out the iPod Touch 4G Giveaway registration form. (Contest Closed)

Step 2:

Share this article with your Facebook friends or Twitter followers using the buttons on left side of this page.

Twitter: iPod Touch 4G #Giveaway @dailytut http://t.co/oBHylJL

[fblike] [twitter style=”horizontal” url=”https://www.dailytut.com/contest/giveaway/ipod-touch-4g-giveaway.html” source=”_robinsonc” related=”@dailytut” float=”right”]

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Terms and Conditions:

1. In accordance with Facebook’s Promotional Guidelines: Individuals who are over the age of 18. If you are under 18, get your parents to participate on your behalf.

2. We may use offline method to select the winner based on the availability during the contest draw. Duplicate entry will be viewed strictly.

3. If the winner found have made multiple entries knowingly then we will reject his / her participation immediately and the draw will happen once again to select the new winner.

4. Selected winner must submit a valid identity proof with photo attached for verification records.

5. If there is any legal issues in sending you the iPod Touch 4G when you are resident of outside india, then you may choose Amazon, or Apple Giftcards for the same worth.

6. DailyTUT holds the complete rights to modify the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

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The giveaway begins now and ends on June 20, 2011. Winners will be selected through online randomizer tool and notified via email.

You may like us at Facebook or follow us at Twitter to get quick tech updates, giveaways right on your desktop.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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  1.  I am below 18yrs. But my parents don’t have FB or Twitter account. Can I share this with my account and will use name of my Parents in form given? Please remove my forum named Ayush Gupta. I will submit again with my parents name.

  2. I Filedl out the iPod Touch 4G Giveaway registration form. Shared on fb .. Tweeted on Twitter… Here are the links..
     Facebook: http://goo.gl/BB5QiTwitter: http://goo.gl/Qswq7

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