Now Bharti Airtel Subscribers can Send / Receive Tweets from their mobile phone. Recently twitter made an announcement in their blog about the partnership with Bharti Airtel, India that allows Twitter users to send a tweet for low cost and receive tweets for Free. This must make you to smile atleast a little if you are twitter addicted, and using a basic mobile model. However, users who have smart phone may not be surprised with this announcement. Bharti must take some more initiative to introduce Twitter to many of its indian crowd and that may bring lot of new faces inside Twitter and gives more money to Bharti 🙂 .
You may see the above notification while logging into your Twitter Account if you are from india. To subscribe for Twitter service, send an SMS as “START” to 53000 from your airtel mobile. More info can be found in your Twitter – Devices page. Detailed steps from Airtel Website.
Great service, the worth part is that any non GPRS mobile user can also use Twitter on his mobile.
Thanks for your comment @himanshu, Yes ! that will happen. But many smart phone users even dont aware about twitter, facebook services.
This will atleast make them to familiar about the name 😉