When we take snaps in digital camera, it may have size of minimum 2 Mega bytes. Its bit tough to view it at the receiver side when they try to download it from email, that we have sent. To reduce the size and resize the image as per our choice, we may use any of the tools.
ResizR – Lord Lance
ResizR (lord lance) accepts jpg format images only to resize. You can use the slider to adjust the width that you wish to set for the resized image, which you will download at the end of the process. You may manually enter the value in the box as well. Otherwise, call the image directly from the web, by entering the URL.
Has an facebook application as well, to resize the images simply from your facebook window. High quality resizing of picture also allows you to crop, rotate, manual size entering to get the picture as you want. Moreover it has no limitations like we have in trail versions. You can use the features completely for unlimited pictures.
The shrink pictures allows you to resize images by specifying the size of the image in various dimensions. If the dimensions they suggested you is not enough, then you may select your own in pixels. You can add some image effects like gray scale or sepia. Finally the quality level can be set to obtain the image with different size.
Simple and quick way to resize your image with default settings. The default mode resizes the image to fit best for the screen and size. You may have a look at the gallery of the Rsizr website to look at some samples.
Resize your image with loads of options now. Without just resizing the drpic allows you to select rotate, crop, image contrast and brightness set ups literally at your web browser. Its almost like, doing your image final tough work after completing resizing work online. Do more with your uploaded image now at drpic.
I hope you have got some new set of tools to do your image work now. I will be happy to hear your comments with few more interesting tools that are best than the few i listed here. Cheers.
Previously I knew about Resizr. Thanks for sharing about other resizing tools. I often use image resizing tools for my blog images. Good Post.
You are welcome Mukundan. Thanks for your comment.
– Robin