DailyTUT iPod Touch 4G Winner Announced

Hello everyone. We got 554 participation in total after removing certain duplicate entries. Out of 554 we selected 1 participant who gonna own Apple iPod Touch 4G. We have so much contests coming in upcoming months and this is to tell you that many will get an opportunity to win one. So dont give up ever and keep on trying.

[youtube width=”550″ height=”344″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JThuoFUmFRs[/youtube]

We have contacted the winner through Facebook and waiting for his reply. Apple iPod Touch 4G -8GB will be dispatched in less than 30 days time.

Contest Winner
Siddanth Adiga

Thank you so much once again for all the participants and wishing you all best of luck next time. Its not so soon. Trust me.. we are getting ready faster to announce our next big contest πŸ™‚

You may follow us on Twitter or like us at Facebook to get more quick updates and contest info.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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    1. no buddy that is not mine clicked it in the showroom… soon if my stars change and i earn some nice cash and move ahead in my mba career ill buy one for sure would have had a nice bike if i didnt meet with a serious accident in 2008

      1. Congrats Siddu πŸ™‚Β 
        and Hats off Robin , we wish u keep on rocking with your attractive givenaway stuffs πŸ˜€

    2. Shyam its not about rich and poor .. i rolled out the first random number and the luck came to his side πŸ™‚ we must appreciate it however.Β 

      I hope you understand.

  1. Nikhil,

    What made you to think like that ? and looking forward to hear some proof if you have that we have cheated our participants. Though i been contacted by many, and we have a strict policy that our authors should not participate in this giveaway.

    I have approved your comment specially to hear from you.


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