Google phone booth is going to decorate near the airports and in front of few universities around USA. The booth looks very much attractive with full RED COLOR.
Google recently announced that peoples can make call from their Gmail account free. To increase the awareness of the voice mail they were in the plan to promote these phone booths.
The phone inside the booth looks like a classic one. Once u pick up the receiver the Google’s greeting welcomes you, “Welcome to Google voice phone booth please enter the phone number you need to dial”.
[youtube width=”550″ height=”344″][/youtube]
These phones were connected through the internet connections and it’s free of charge, whether it’s national or international call and it doesn’t need any accounts.
There are few instructions appeared in the phone booth to operate the phone which is bit confusing now and few problems in the sound quality too. Sure they gonna fix those things before their complete official release (probably within this year). It’s fully different from the voice mail. They were not sure about how many booths going to show up and where these red giants publicly visible once released. Let’s wait for the release.
Excellent news. Google is rocking in its services, Hope we expect this service in India too.