How to Get a Better Ranking in Google Places ? is it Necessary ?

Google Places is one of the best things to see when you are trying to promote yourself and your business. This works in that you can get your business to get details on its physical location listed on a map service from Google. This can help you to get your business to become more visible. You will need to consider getting a great ranking on Google Places if you want to be successful. This is because Google Places is a service that will help you to keep your business easily noticeable and can show people exactly where you are located at.

How to Get a Better Ranking in Google Places ?

Google Places with HotspotAlso, you will have your website listed on a map with certain keywords in mind. For example, let’s say you run a bowling alley. Your marker on Google Places will be listed alongside other markers for bowling alleys around an area.

Google Places Intro Video

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Google Places for Business

[youtube width=”550″ height=”344″][/youtube]

This is provided that you are using keywords that relate to bowling alleys. In fact, it is especially important because a map can be one of the first things that a user on Google will find when searching for things. A person can get a map that relates to the area that one is accessing Google from. This map will feature details on many different businesses in your local area.

There are many ways how you can get a better ranking on this site. You’ll need to start by first making sure that you are posting all of the accurate details on your site. This includes details on your address and whether or not they can match with other directories. Another tip is to add a good description to your business on Google Places.

This includes taking a look at the keywords that you are using in your description. Keywords that relate to your business and are not being abused can work in that description. This can make it so your business will be visible on a search map. You will also need to be sure that you create individual Google Places spots for every location in your business. This includes individual spots that relate to more than just your headquarters. Having more spots will help you to be more prominent on an entry.

You should also make sure that you are managing the reviews that come into your site. It will be easier to get a better rating if your reviews come in at a steady rate and not all at once. You must control everything to ensure that your site will look great. The last tip involves adding some images to your entry. You can add images to make your entry stand out and look a little more appealing.

These images may also make it so you will get people to have an easier time with understanding what your business is about. You should use these tips when trying to get your site to look great on Google Places. These tips can help you to give your site a more prominent appearance on this convenient service.


Author Bio: Popa is one amung the many web developers at and loves to read blogs when ever time allows him.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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