Bitdefender Total Security 2013, Get Free Extra Year License

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Bitdefender Total Security 2013, is the new antivirus software from Bitdefender. Millions of users found Bitdefender security is one of the best for Windows PC platform to protect them from known internet threats and web attacks. It is not the Windows that is vulnerable, it is the applications and softwares that we use every day which increases the risk of security trouble to users. Microsoft Windows OS is so popular because of its compatibility with software and its easy to use design. Performance and Speed of windows always been a big issue for many and it is important to keep the system clean and optimized well to get the best always.

bitdefender ts 2013

Software that we install on windows should also be less in numbers. As i said, its the software that we install makes the windows experience nightmare many times. You should be really careful while installing a software in your windows computer. Make sure to read some reviews and details about the quality of the software that you are about to download from websites.

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Get Extra 1 year Free for 3 PC Protection

Buy Bitdefender Total Security 2013 today and get extra one year full free license extended for the same price. This license can be used upto 3 PC’s and this is really a great deal to not miss.

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What is Bitdefender Total Security 2013 ?

Bitdefender Total Security 2013 brings ultimate security solution to your Windows PC Desktop or Laptop. Its more than Antivirus and Internet Security products that are available in Internet today. Installing Total Security 2013 can let you do more than just scanning and stay protected from all known Internet Threats, Viruses and Web Attacks.

Absolute Silence

Bitdefender Total Security 2013 runs so silently on your Windows Computer and with its well improved protection technology, you can use your computer without any worries about security. Whenever there is an intrusion or network level of attacks, it automatically prevents and protects your computer. Also it notifies you and allows you to review the detail of the attack.

Auto Pilot feature in Bitdefender runs silently without any annoying notifications.

Safe Social Networking

The chances of getting your computer attacks or infected with some strange malware, spyware or viruses can happen through social networking websites too. In such scenarios, bitdefender helps you to prevent any online attacks that may possibly use social networking sites as medium. You trust your friends still there are possibilities where system level of attacks can happen using them, which destroys the trust you had on them. Safe social networking is really necessary and bitdefender effectively monitors Facebook, Twitter and other social networking websites that you login and visit the website links shared by your friends. It makes sure your privacy settings are effective and helps you to protect your computer and you from attackers or people who spy a lot.

Cloud based Security

Bitdefender Total Security uses cloud integration to analyze the website links you visit to make sure there are malware, phishing kind of attacks possible when you use Internet. Bitdefender Cloud services are very advanced to offer best security solutions to windows users.

Anti Theft Protection

This ultimate security software for windows brings you anti theft protection as well. Anti Theft protection brings possibility of tracking your laptop or mobile if the device got stolen. You can remotely Lock, Wipe and even Locate the laptop from any Internet enabled device that you have with you. This feature is must have in today’s scenario and it is not possible by any free antivirus software that you may use on your windows operating system.

Fast Antivirus Software

This never makes your computer go slow, there are antivirus softwares which can make your computer performance and speed go slow. This will never happen with bitdefender total security 2013. The developers have optimized it very well with great technology possibilities to make the total security software run faster in any Windows editions.

Bitdefender Compatibility

Bitdefender Total Security 2013 is well compatible with Windows 7 editions and the upcoming new Operating System from Microsoft, Windows 8 as well. You dont have to worry about compatibility when you buy Total Security 2013 right now, as you can use it with your next Windows 8 when it is available and you have done upgrade as well.

You can use your computer without any worries about being compromised or attacked by any malicious hackers. If your computer is connected to Internet and you use it maximum for your business and other purposes, then it is must to download bitdefender total security 2013 which is the latest software to protect you and your family from Internet attacks. There are lot more features still there and you can explore all of them here.

All these with extra one year free security protection. Scroll to the top and proceed with the purchase right away and get free extra one year license with upto 2 PC Protection. Thanks for reading and have a great day !

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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