Teamviewer App for iPhone and iPad 3 with Retina Support

Remote Desktop is one amazing feature to get support from your friend or software vendors. It is very easy to initiate and troubleshoot through remote desktop service. Teamviewer Free version is pretty great to use for connecting with your remote computer faster and in an easy way. Which is very effective than the remote desktop software that comes within your operating system. Windows, Mac, and Linux have this feature, still it is not possible to initiate a connection between different platforms by default. That is why we go for some third party software to make this process totally easy.

Also read, Best Remote Desktop Apps for Mac, Windows and Linux which has updated list of remote desktop and remote assistance utilities for your Computer.

teamviewer mobile version

Teamviewer App for iPhone

Teamviewer is well known free remote desktop software for PC at first, then they slowly introduced teamviewer for linux and teamviewer for mac os x as well. This really bridges the gap between the mostly used operating system platforms. When you use Teamviewer iPhone, it act as the best iPhone viewer and lets you connect to the remote desktop in a minute.

They recently introduced Teamviewer for iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad which lets you access the remote computer from your iOS device very much. Teamviewer is easy, best and Free for non-commercial use. You may download teamviewer for iPhone right away to experience how it works. Remember to have Teamviewer installed on your Mac or PC.

teamviewer search

Teamviewer App for iPad 3

Teamviewer has recently upgraded its iPad version to look perfect in Retina Display support. You can download Teamviewer for iPad 3 by visiting Appstore. This lets you access your computer from anywhere just by using 3G or WiFi connection. As Teamviewer pretty much supports the three major operating systems Windows, Linux and Mac OS, you can connect your PC or Mac from anywhere. Lets see the steps to access your computer through iPhone or iPad.

Step #1: Login in your “Teamviewer” App

Download and Install the Teamviewer App from App Store and use your Teamviewer Login id and Password to authenticate and access your account. You may also directly enter “Partners Teamviewer ID and Password” to connect and provide remote support from your mobile.

teamviewer iphone

Step #2: Access Your PC / Mac Remotely

You are done, there are no more steps to follow. You will be seeing the remote desktop screen on your mobile once you have authenticated with your credentials. Single Tap and Double Tap will do the rest of tasks where you can do File Sharing, Chat, Keyboard Access, Zoom, Close Session, Next Monitor and also perform Remote Reboot from the bottom of the screen.

Teamviewer Mobile App is also available for Android mobile operating system, which can be downloaded from your Android Market. You can connect your remote computer desktop in 2 easy steps. Not just for computers, this software is also a Rockstar when it comes to mobile platforms. Make sure you have a stable Internet connection with good speed to access and navigate faster.

Thanks for reading and you may now share this post with your friends in Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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1 Comment

  1. Teamviewer is all time great and my favorite software for both PC and Android and it’s so easy to use and manage also. Ya you are right that the in build feature in windows doesn’t provide that much feature and flexibility but this one is just too good. I am using it on my Desktop as well as on Android and the Free version is more than enough.

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