Differences between Shared web Hosting and Dedicated web hosting
- In shared web services, many websites are hosted from the single server, which makes use of all the available resources like bandwidth and hard drive space. In dedicated web, hosting you rent the whole server instead of renting some space on the hard drive of that sever and is solely used to only host your website.
- Shared web hoisting is important if you are having a small and a medium sized web site where you have limited resources and a limited source of traffic. It is better to move on dedicated web hosting when you have an increased visitor base and the traffic generated by your website is enormous to keep away from all the difficulties, which may arise when you are using shared web hosting.
Why dedicated web hosting is costlier than Shared web hosting ?
- This is the primary question, which will arise when you are opting to choose the dedicated web hosting, this is because you are renting an entire server and the cost of using server is directly taken from you and here you do not have any other shared hosts, which will equally divide the rent. With faster processor, bigger hard drives the cost further increases depending on the physical set up of the computer server.
- When you register dedicated web hosting then you are pleased to find that you can utilize the resources of the rented server in any manner you chose. Sometimes upgradation and maintenance to keep this servers running for 24 hours is a mighty task for web hosting companies hence you can hire or outsource the maintenance of these severs to make sure that you are available to all you visitors whenever they need you.
The best way to use any of the services from shared web hosting and dedicated web hosting is to understand the needs of your website and the income you are generating from them. If you have a good credential in your online business and you are generating convincing revenue from your website then it is always advisable to go with the dedicated web hosting company and their plans.
About the Author:
Sarvesh is a part time blogger and loves to write on webhosting and tech niches. He blogs for a site selling best cheap hosting services and dedicated server hosting.
Very good explanation,actually i was also having this confusion but now cleared all.
Thank you.