Rockablepress one of the recent release “Getting to Know SEO” gives you better idea about Search Engine Optimization. Written by Content analyst and SEO Expert Andre Kibbe (twitter), where he aims to deliver you the knowledge about learning SEO to drive steady traffic to your website. Good SEO techniques are necessary as Search Engines started to implement multiple algorithms and changes rapidly than before. So you cannot follow some old school SEO Technique and wait for the results by standing in the Queue. It is must to keep your knowledge about SEO up to date as well.
This book starts with Structuring your website for SEO and the content flow goes upto Understanding Backlinks. There are more important focus given towards Importance of keywords, Research and strategy, Link Building and techniques that will work and help you to get traffic in organic and genuine way. When you are at the last page of the book, you are completely ready to use SEO Personally and Professionally in your client websites as well.
Getting to Know SEO book designed in the way that any one who have no idea about SEO can understand and implement it better to their websites. Its all about competition, and how you outrank against your competitor in Search Engines. The recent Google algorithm changes, have put Internet Business at risk with the introduce of Panda. However, panda aims to bring quality websites to the Top in search engines, there are more chances possibly to pick a genuine website that has quality content in it, goes to several pages away.
Whitehat SEO always works and recommended to adopt. Every website owner has to consider SEO as an important factor, else they will end up in generating only temporary traffic to their website.
Table of Contents
Getting to Know SEO
Keyword strategy defines the success of your website. That is why the author have given more importance to Keyword Research and in this book, that helps you to understand it better to use it with your Blog or website. When your blog reaps you good revenue through adsense, then you should give more focus to keyword research and earn better. The formulas that you can possibly implement to boost the adsense earnings with each keyword you use are discussed well.
When you are ready to work on your Content and Build quality links, the search traffic is not a super secret hidden somewhere you have to search and hunt down to know. Its simple and not that easy to implement ofcourse. You have to invest your hard work in terms of content editing and applying the working techniques you learn.
Lets see the topics that this Book covers and how it helps you to build a great website that drives huge traffic, when you follow these SEO Tips.
Getting to Know SEO
- Content + Links = SEO
- The Importance of Keywords
- Keyword Research Explained
- On-Page Optimization
- Understanding Backlinks
- Getting Links
- Understanding Competition
This book is recommended for anyone who consider to start a website and aim for successful traffic progress in short time. Thanks for reading and you may recommend this to your friends and others by Sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
I’d love to have a copy of Rockablepress! SEO has a lot of twists and turns and I’d like to learn about it from experts. I’m glad I came across this!
I downloaded the eBook and it looks like it covers the basics, but one of the huge problems is that it recommends Build My Rank as a viable linkbuilding strategy when that site and all of the blogs on it have been deindexed by Google. I was very surprised he mentioned that site as a good linkbuilding tactic which makes the rest of the book a lot less trustworthy.