Google Plus WordPress Theme

AgentWP Lab’s (Mayur Somani) has developed first google+ WordPress theme which loads pretty faster and looks so simple. Also Google Plus wordpress theme has excellent typography to make your readers reading experience better and comfort. In order to use this wordpress theme all you have to do is, upload the Google Plus WordPress theme package through (WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes -> Upload) and Activate it like you do for any other wordpress theme.


Demo Google Plus WordPress ThemeDownload Google Plus WP Theme

Google Plus WordPress Plugin

To fix thumbnail issue in Google Plus theme here comes a wordpress plugin (get the image). Upload and activate like any other wp plugin and do a little modification to make the thumbnail image fit on homepage of the site.

Adjust the width and height of thumbnail image to 100 x 100 to make it look better on the site homepage that has the theme installed.

via [Hacktrix]

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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    1. Yup i have observed that this theme loads pretty faster than many other themes. This one will rock in near future if it adds more features.


  1. 🙂 I understand.. we can wait for sometime to get more features added. Place for adslots, social icons by default will be a great choice and so much..

    Lets hope..



  2. would have been greater if  there is a tabbed sidebar. and a searchbar at the top. so it would like the comment bar in gplus  (or fb?)

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