Tabco Grid 10 Tablet Review, based on Live Webcast

Tabco Team has released their all new Tablet to the world which is based on Grid Linux Operating System. Here the name of the tablet is “Grid 10” which hope to change the way that tablet computer works. Grid 10 do have Bing integration. FusionGarage has well funded which is nearly 10 million dollars. Grid 10 is more than just a single screen tablet os.

Screens of Grid 10 from Live Webcast

grid 10 tablet

Update 09:21 : Grid 10 going to have its own App Store to Download apps and named as “Grid App Store

 Update 09:26:

Tabco Grid 10 Tablet Pricing:

Grid 10 Wifi Model = 499 USD

Grid 10 WiFi + 3G Model = 599 USD

Update 09:27: Free Headset will be provided with each order.

Update 09:28: Grid 10 mobile can be connected with Grid 10 Tablet.

Update 09:29: Grid 10 devices desktop can be accessed by signing in (hand sign).

Update 09:34:

Grid 10 Mobile Pricing:

Grid 10 Mobile Phone: 399 USD (16 GB – Unlocked)

Webcast ends at 09:40 PDT. The picture quality is not upto the level to take screenshots, however we got one best shot displayed above. We have to wait for sometime to get the video intro of grid 10 tablet on youtube and other public sites for streaming. Overall the new innovation rich Grid 10 looks promising but we have to wait atleast for a month to see how far this can be successful in the market that Apple and Android holds maximum shares.

Fusion Garage is really taking a tough decision at this moment to launch a tablet that ofcourse has so many new way to browse, share and communicate. What do you feel about this Grid 10 tablet pc ? Do you like to own one ? Please do let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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    1. so true rahul. lets wait and see how far people are buying this new gadget as it stands in the row of choices to the default 2 tablets.

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