Google, Facebook, Amazon and Wikipedia may Begin Tech Nuclear War in 2012

To fight against SOPA the tech giants Google, Facebook, Amazon and Wikipedia planning to display a message to ask people to fight against SOPA by displaying the possible problems that it could cause when the bill passed in Congress. Google’s Co-Founder Sergey Brin warned that the Stop Online Privacy Act and Protect IP Act could take the web to complete new level of restrictions that forces unacceptable censorship to the web.

The SOPA Act may come for vote this january and,, pages may turned black with appropriate information to let people approach their politicians with their opinions.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”344″][/youtube]

[Video Credit: LockerGnome]

Table of Contents

What SOPA Can do ?

Once the bill passed and get effect then, possibly its not just the piratebay and other pirated application distributing services that will affect. It will become the complete STOP Act for millions of websites that are serving the web today effectively in Filesharing, Content Distribution and so on.

It would allow the Justice Department to obtain an order to be served on search engines, Internet providers, and other companies forcing them to make a suspected piratical Web site effectively vanish, a kind of Internet death penalty.- CNN

Say No to SOPA

Godaddy which said, that it is supporting SOPA reconsidered their statement and announced that they are no more supporting SOPA after realizing that 60000+ domains transferred from them to various other competitors like namecheap, name and so on. which was running the discount offer to fight against SOPA got big incoming customers and generated 60k + USD to donate the team that Fight against SOPA.

January 24, 2012 may be the starting date of the discussion about SOPA in Congress.

Whats your take on this ? Do you like the web to be Free always ? Saying No to Piracy is not what SOPA is all about, rather it pulls tons of censorship that could affect the web innovation very much. Do share this post and comment your views below.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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  1. It takes 2 sides to have a nuclear war. The only other country in the
    world with nearly enough nukes to bring about a cold war-era nuclear
    Armageddon is Russia.

  2. It takes 2 sides to have a nuclear war. The only other country in the world with nearly enough nukes to bring about a cold war-era nuclear Armageddon is Russia…and they’re not our enemy anymore. 

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