About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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  1. This is some thing as old as a year i believe robin…. Its really impressive that Google follows such a great practice nowadays. Really its a welcomed one and i will support this. I dont think there is such delay in this feature. I had created 3 Accounts in last 6 months and every time the SMS arrived in some 10 seconds. Its not a figure to be considered when we look at the security feature it allows. Another impressive thing is that Google had added this feature in password recovery option too. Google calender also using this SMS feature for a while.. πŸ™‚

    *raj – FOSS & Google Worshiper…

    1. Hi Raj. As i stated in the article the service was optional at first. But now its mandatory and you wont be able to complete the account creation without giving your real mobile number.

      This ofcourse hits the privacy of the users in some case. πŸ™‚ if you dont work with terrorist then it wont be a problem at all πŸ™‚ just kidding…

      1. what happens in case of two email id's and same mobile number for both the accounts …. does the system allow it ?

        1. As per google policy it shouldnt allow the user to have multiple accounts as the storage gets affect. i have updated the post with an answer to your question on multiple account creation πŸ™‚

    1. Yes Dadha. This is just + one step to ensure solid security to our google account. The previous method of recovering involves sending an email to the google server with existing datas of your profile.

      90% users wont get their email ids back due to mismatch of information as they forgot due to long time of account creation.

  2. For Security reasons it's good. But waiting for verification for opening google account is not a good idea.

    Thanks for sharing this news.

  3. Ofcourse this was an solid way to be more secure. Now a days every one are using gmail and hackers also targeting these service. Good move from Google.

    1. Oh you are becoming an hacker πŸ™‚ just kidding.. its yet not made mandatory it seems. Even i heard people are able to by pass that particular step.

      I tested personally and found that skipping the final step is not that much easy….

      – Robin

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