5 Best Tips and Tricks for Windows 8 File Handling

Windows and Handy tips is a never ending tale as those two are almost hitting the headlines every time. Windows users were of some lucky bunch who relinquish some easy computing right from the beginning which is a right side if the flipped coin for Microsoft. Then and there it is common to come across with news and updates about Windows 8 and So the topic is not a new one to make a lead but the content surely does. This post will guide you through some easy tips and tricks on Windows 8 file handling.


Many felt that Windows is all messed up with its design when they launched Windows 8 for desktop and laptop computers. After using it for a week or two, some started to like it and some totally hated the new design and went back to Windows 7. After Windows 8.1 with some missing feature additions and improvements, many started to migrate and start using the all new Windows OS. More updates are on its way to constantly improve the security and add more features to make the Windows 8 experience a lot better and usable in Desktop and Laptop than not just making it as a Tablet OS. Here we have some windows 8 file handling tips and tricks for you to be more productive with this wonderful operating system.

Opening a new file type


Its always a headache to open some unknown file types that might be of received, downloaded, or to be uploaded etc.,To open an unknown file type or currently unsupported file type (which is from a known resource) on a Windows 8 PC is no more a messy habit. You can chose an app that would possibly open the format from app store directly. Right Click on the file and choose open with where you can find Look for an app in the store option.

Mount ISO


Another big issue in viewing an ISO file comes when you are about to mount the device first to get access to it on the explorer. On windows 8 this is been more simplified so that if you are about to view data or media on a CD/DVD through explorer its simple to mount them as an ISO and explore the files and contents. Just Right click on the ISO file and click on Mount which enables the file as a virtual drive.

View files and libraries


To keep the view and operation simple and clean Windows 8 don’t has the libraries and the folders view on the explorer by default but its still possible to make it to bend for you with this simple tip. Go to explorer, right click on the empty space and click on View and now you can select Show Libraries and Show Folders options to make it visible on your explorer window.

Setting up picture password


This would be one of the best move by windows to attract the newcomers and beginners with their platform being updated to the recent trends. Its easy to set up a picture password for Windows 8 you have to press Win+I and then select More PC settings and then click on users, and choose Create a picture password. Draw some series of patterns on the picture and set the password which then can be cracked by the original user alone.

Maintenance Scheduling


When you opt to pay for a fresh operating system on your machine then you need to cope up with the periodical updates and other relevant activities to fix the system bugs as well. But will it be annoying to make the updates when you are busy working ? there is a way to simplify this as you can schedule the updates to particular time and your system wakes up and process the batch for updates provided the hardware supports by that time without any power run out. Go to Control panel Click on Action Center, Then choose Maintenance and then Select Change Maintenance Settings.

We believe the above mentioned Windows 8 Tips and Tricks have helped you to learn some new file handling methods. More Windows 8 tutorials are on the way to help beginners and new users to get the most out of your PC with Windows 8 OS installed. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day. You may give a Retweet or Share in Facebook and Google+ to let more of your friends and followers know about it.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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