HOW TO: Become Facebook India Ambassador ?

The Social Networking giant who already have a very good user base in India is looking for Facebook India Ambassador’s to promote facebook even more to hit 1 billion active users mark. Facebook India Ambassador programme is very simple concept overall, just get all your surroundings into Facebook by representing as an ambassador for worlds no 1 social networking website.

There is no details disclosed so far about the Credits or Crowns you will receive but you just have to agree to their terms and conditions in order to become one.

faceook india ambassador

Read this agreement and Apply here to become a facebook ambassador. You also have to accept the FBAmbassador App to complete the signup process.

facebook ambassador signup

The aim is so simple, Facebook needs more and more mobile and desktop users and anyone who already using facebook account can signup and contribute as much as they can to take their Family and Friends crowd to facebook. But the problem i sense here is, it will be like every one of us going to contribute more in creating facebook addiction in our surroundings. Remember Zynga Farmville ? That was the worst days where my friends run into my house and ask me to move away from my computer and they login to facebook and check the fruits are withered or not.

So, What is it all about ?

You know how frustrating it will be when you are in the middle of something and all of a sudden forcefully removed from your computer and some one wants to plant some thing virtually ? It is and i am sure that i am not alone when it comes to people who have suffered because of Facebook 🙂

Anyhow, back to the topic, this all new marketing strategy from Facebook is simple, they are targeting every corner of this world to mark their name and every single one in our surrounding to aware about facebook.

This is a great strategy too, but the returns are still unknown for the ambassadors who are going to promote facebook from their friends computers and mobile phone. Follow the instructions given in the image above (second image) and it seems like there is no individual custom links provided so far for people signup.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful Productive day.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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