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Facebook users can now see the new homepage with Live News Feed. It gives a faster, and accurate updates of your friends. One of the mostly used Social Networking application updated their services to provide more stable and faster access. Facebook wrote in its blog about the working mechanism of this service, and here just a slice from the facebook blog post (official announcement).
News Feed
When you log into Facebook, you’ll see the most interesting things that happened in the last day in the “News Feed” view. News Feed picks stories that we think you’ll enjoy based on a variety of factors including how many friends have liked and commented on it and how likely you are to interact with that story.Live Feed
Once you’ve caught up on what you missed, you can click through to “Live Feed” to see what’s happening right now. As long as you remain logged into Facebook, you’ll continue to see posts and activity from your friends in real-time. You can edit what appears in this view by clicking “Edit Options” at the bottom of the home page.
This is what twitter users miss today. I remember when i register a twitter account with group of my friends i thought of using it as an alternative from group chat in stream mode. But a great disappointment after a week or two i got from twitter . We have to use some third party applications (Adobe AIRs – TweetDeck) to enable that twitter live update service today. Facebook was providing a little time consuming news feed service previously and that too had some issues in getting updated. Right now, it has come up with a real live update service through its LIVE NEWS FEED. You can login to your facebook account to see such live updates from your friends.
When they add new friends, you will get an update that says who added whom, what links they liked and so on. You can always customize this updates through your “Edit Options” link in the bottom of the news live feed page. Moreover facebook made a little touch for the suggestions option. The suggestion now displays people who have less number of friends in your list and it also asks you to suggest some friends to them.
One thing i like very much about these huge update is the site speed. Its loading faster than before 🙂 and i am able to navigate with my games and apps faster too. Dont forget to leave your comments to share your views with other readers.