windows security

Best Windows Security Tips to Keep the Performance Great

In the modern world we are too much dependent on computers. Almost all of our work depends on computer and without it we cannot expect our work to be done. We save large amount of useful data in our computers. But do you ask yourself…

ipad mini tablet

iPad Mini: Arrives by 2012 End to Compete with Nexus and Kindle Fire

Apple may launch a smaller and cheaper version of current iPad to be named as iPad Mini by this year end. Google has just unveiled its tablet officially named Google Nexus 7 Tablet after Microsoft launched its Microsoft Surface. 2012 will be best known for…

Apple iOS 6 vs. Android vs. Windows Phone: Which One Will Rule Communication Class ?

There have been an evolution taken place in the mobile market across the world since last few years. There is not a probably a single soul left in the world who does not use mobile phone these days. Though everybody does not use Smartphone but…

bitdefender 2013 antivirus

BitDefender 2013 Antivirus Software Review

Update: We have updated this page with latest Bitdefender Discount Coupon Codes 2017 for Antivirus Plus, Internet Security and Total Security 2017 software’s. Update: We have updated all our links to latest Bitdefender 2015 software products version. You can proceed with the purchase now and…

greenpeace cloud

Greenpeace on Apple, Microsoft and Amazon Dirty Cloud [Video]

Greenpeace the Non-Profit organization has released few videos on Youtube that targets Apple, Microsoft and Amazon Dirty Cloud implementation and wanted to create a movement “How Clean is Your Cloud ?” against these three IT Giants. Apple has responded back to greenpeace, the day after…

HOW TO: Disable Email Notifications in Microsoft SOCL ?

Microsoft SOCL, the newly arrived social search experiment by Microsoft Fuse Labs has currently started to accept registrations on invite. SOCL delivers social networking features like follow, followers, whats in your mind – status update, share links that you find interesting on web and so…

microsoft socl

Are You Ready to Meet Microsoft SOCL ? [VIDEO]

The long awaited microsoft social networking website SO.CL is here. Microsoft have leaked the name SOCL few months ago, and here we got the website ready and you may request an socl invite to sign up. Currently SO.CL uses the Facebook Connect API to let…

microsoft socl

SOCL, Microsoft to Launch a Social Networking Website [Coming Soon]

Social Network by Microsoft. The news started to leak before six months and still there is no sign of alpha release or any news from microsoft. According to “The Verge” microsoft’s next big project is going to be SOCL, a complete social networking website that…