No Need To Wait For Google Buzz, Its Ready When You Signup For Gmail

This is my 3rd article about Google Buzz here. 2 days back i wrote the following two articles to give you an idea about Google Buzz and its arrival.

google-buzzGoogle Buzz is creating a real buzz for Gmail users. Maximum users are enjoying the new Buzz feature made available from this month first week within gmail box. Many are just knowing the following and followers mechanism used in twitter especially. People are ofcourse starring at this new system in some cases 😉 and it will surely take some time to understand it to get the most out of it.

Today Google added this Buzz feature to all of its New  Signup’s. So no need to wait for days, or months like we did for Google Wave Invitation. This quick addition confirms google’s fast move to divert the people from Facebook or Twitter.

If you feel Google Buzz is an Annoying one, then a click of your mouse button can disable the buzz service for your account. After logging in to your Gmail Account, scroll down to the bottom of the page and search for a link called “Turn off Buzz” which is next to “Turn off Chat”. That is it ! No More Buzzing for you !

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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