Update: There is no specific date set by Facebook to set timeline as default profile page so far. All the accounts will be migrated automatically forcing facebook timeline since 14th December 2011.
Facebook has introduced Timeline, one of the great feature to easily navigate your life at Facebook. Whatever the events you have recorded as Status Updates, Pictures, Videos and Events will become easily accessible through the Facebook Timeline with Month, Year navigation. The Facebook Timeline Developer Preview was demonstrated by Mark Zuckerberg, during previous f8 conference.
Though it looks interesting and an amazing feature for many, people still dont like the sudden changes that facebook gives before getting familiar with the current service. This frequent change in design and features makes many users to find it difficult to understand and use it well.
The official news came out today, that Facebook will force activate the Timeline to all facebook users on December 22nd, 2011. The announcement is visible only for people who visit their facebook profile page that is not using developer preview of timeline feature. Whats your take on this ? Is this fine that Facebook is forcing certain design changes to all its users in short period of time after the previous design modification ? Do express your views in comments.
Thanks for reading and please do share this post on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
I am starting to hate facebook 🙁
Bad idea, should be users option, don’t like it, hate it. Google+ is starting to seem like a good alternative. Zuckerberg and his developers shouldn’t force change upon it’s users as dramatic as this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!