When people ask me what is the best way to make money online, i straight away recommend to start a blog and work on it to get some constant income after few months. Its the process where we invest very little compare to any other business exist today. Moreover many so called online businesses never give you the returns as per the promise done at the beginning. In some cases you will end up in scams. Websites that asks you to invest money simply gives you a login id and password. Many times the payment get hold or the site closed after few months of operation.
Finding the right business style and mode is very important in this case. Never depend on some one who claims to give you the secret of online money making by getting some money. Here the knowledge and resources are unlimited and Free at maximum case. So why should one think about investing at the initial stage itself ?. Convert your thoughts to texts. Its the only process we do here. Compiling an article with specific title that deliver some matter to the readers. When your blog age becomes 1 month, just perform an analytics to find out what type of contents your readers like most. Start writing more contents in such categories to pull more and more traffic.
To show you some positive income report of bloggers who started blogging as a professional one and doing it still, i like to give this monthly income report. This report is actually taken from IncomeDiary, where the list of Top 30 Blogs who makes money online that surprises and motivates every blogger and newbies.
The investment that you do in blogging is your Time, Communication and Writing Skill, Internet Connection and a Good System (PC). That is all it takes. Keep on reading new tutorials available in blogosphere to gain updates and news about other blogs and money making tips. What are you waiting for ? Register and Create a Free Blog to test this case and see whether you have the capability of pulling the crowd to read your articles or not. Create your Free WordPress Blog Now !
wow good post bro , really big player making good money
Thanks for your comment Bro.
Earning from blog doesnt come easy. I am still not in the position to quit my 9-5 job to take my blog to next position.
It will take atleast 3 years of constant success and as you know, the bloggers have too many competition these days. So non stop working towards the success is necessary.. I am running this blog for 3 years. So far didnt reach alexa traffic rank of 1 lakh below.
Thats because i dont find to blog continuously. 🙂 But now i am into full time blogging as my degree got completed.
Whenever we ask for online money making 90% of jobs are fake today. So compare to all other blogging is a legal, less investment job that any one can start with, creative and innovative ideas.
🙂 cheers Ricky.
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Knoogle – Interesting Google Search and Results =-.
Actually blogging is not an overnight make money online concept it is a method of earning money through proper learning about the niche which your are blogging about. We cannot quit the jobs just by starting a blog but need a good open mind to write something new for the visitors.When we learn the mistakes from the initial blogging that will take to a scenario where you can understand. What are all the ways to earn online with your problem less blog…..
Very true robin. Ricky has reached 70k in alexa traffic rank. His titles in his blog also awesome.. i am sure he will reach the india’s top bloggers list soon. 🙂
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Knoogle – Interesting Google Search and Results =-.
Great to see TechCrunch at top of that chart. Wish, one day TechChunks will be closer to that income 😉
.-= TechChunks´s last blog ..How to Make Use of a Perfectly Working but Obsolete Laptop =-.
🙂 All the very best bro.. reserve the second place for DailyTUT 🙂 have fun ! Cheers !
– Robin
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Kaspersky 2010 Licenses (3 User) Give Away – Contest June 2010 =-.
Yeah Blogging has huge potential to make you a millionaire
Position of Perez Hilton is wrong. He is the richest blogger. He earns lot more. Right now he has even changed his template to promote a movie. check out the way he monetizes his traffic http://perezhilton.com/mediakit/US/index.html