There were talks about Facebook Project Titan across the web and facebook has made that is not a rumor and they do have plans in future to bring such service. Facebook has launched their features loaded new facebook messages service on demand during the monday event. You can request for an facebook new messages invitation by following this url. This way you can send and receive emails from your facebook message box.
Your facebook email id will look like “[email protected]“. If you have not created a facebook username before, then checkout this link to create your unique facebook username.
Facebook New Messages will get lot more features loaded in near future and facebook team is constantly working on it to increase the messaging feature with different mail service providers as well.
[youtube width=”550″ height=”344″][/youtube]
Its bit complex for facebook users who are actually not tech savy. And hope facebook will simplify the process more easy to understood by every user.
Texts, chat and email together in one simple conversation.
Get Facebook messages, chats and texts all in the same place.
- Include email by activating your optional Facebook email address
- Control who can send you messages through your facebook privacy settings
See everything you’ve ever discussed with each friend as a single conversation.
- No need for subject lines or other formalities
- Easily leave large conversations that no longer interest you
Focus on messages from your friends.
- Messages from unknown senders and bulk email go into the Other folder
- Spam is hidden from view automatically
Request for Facebook New Messages Invitation.
Call me crazy, but the first thing I’m gonna do with my address, is to forward it to my Gmail account 🙂 Oh wait, this is not e-mail, so I probably can’t even do that… bugger!
I will go for it.
really a nice work from facebook side.. because its easy to check mail and social site in same window..
Me too..
me 3 😛
I am waiting eagerly for my invitation to be accepted thanks for sharing 🙂
i was looking for this all over the internet. thanks man.
This certainly looks exciting but I will still stick with Gmail for the time being. I think it will take a while for Facebook unless their new features are excellent.
This is cool. I’ve always been a fan of Facebook, I think that this new feature will be used often! I like the fact that you can allow and block emails from people of your choice, and also that the spam is automatically hidden!
Still i didnt get..when invitations will come to all?
Facebook vs Gmail! Who will win?
Facebook getting glowing day by day. We are all lucky to use it.
Thanks for the links robin
Thanks for sharing this, Goutham. I think I want to wait a bit until I can see what it’s like firsthand, but it’s good to know this info so I can come back if I change my mind 🙂
Well, its good to see Facebook grow fast. And update for new applications. Chat, text messages and emails in one site is a great package. Thanks for sharing this one.
Ugghh… It’s been more than 10 days and still I havent got my invite. Fail
dude i had applied from a week but not get invitation yet 🙁
it appears everyone i know has all of these new features but me, and the thing that bugs me the most is i introduced most of them to facebook in the first place.. for something that has been rolled out months ago why the long wait..